Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Unreliable Instinct

After he send me off this evening, there's something weird feeling left in my heart. This was not the usual feeling I had after our each date. It filled with sadness and loseness. I felt like I never going to see him. It's like something bad going to happen to him.

Finally, after hearing his voice and knew that he's alright, I was so relieved. This is another unreliable instinct that I always occur. He always said that I can't rely on my instinct because as far as I know it never actually true. Ok lah, maybe 1 or 2, but mostly are just unnecessary thoughts. Hehe.


Anonymous said...

hei mun ni, risau sangat ngan bf dier. Susah btol org bercinte nih.

muNm said...

mesti la risau, mieyuda. dah name bf, klau tak risau bkn bf la tu. hehe

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