Saturday, July 23, 2011

An evening well spent

Every girl needs a best friend that she can be her true self without being judge. I am so blessed as I have a best friend that fit the description. The best thing is that we knew each other since we were 7. We have up and down, of course, but we forgive and forget each other coz the friendship is more important than some stupid misunderstanding we had.

We met each other this afternoon and boy, we were non-stop updating each other with our stories and of course gossip over a glass of yummy apple crush. In between that, we would reminiscent funny moments when we were in school. Then we walked around to find a baju raya that fit our budget which is a bit impossible coz our taste is always way over than our budget. It has been awhile since I went shopping with her. We always too busy to shop and end up in a cafe instead when we met.

What a good feeling! So we decided that we need to do this on monthly basis after Raya. Yeay!

Monday, July 04, 2011


Dalam kehidupan ini, kita hanya boleh merancang tapi Tuhan yang menentukan segala-galanya. Mungkin bagi kita itu yang terbaik, itu yang kita idam-idamkan dan itu yang kita inginkan tetapi jika itu bukan suratan kita, maka bersabarlah. InsyaAllah, ada hikmah di sebalik itu. InsyaAllah, ada yang lebih baik malah paling terbaik untuk kita.

Mungkin pengalaman kita dengan dia sekejap, sebab itu Allah nak kita masih bersama dia. Mungkin dia dapat beri tunjuk ajar untuk kita. Mungkin dia dapat mendewasakan kita. Mungkin dia akan memberi pengajaran kepada kita bahawa jangan lah kita bersikap begitu.

Sungguh mudah untuk berkata-kata, menaip untuk memujuk hati yang luka. Tetapi terbakar hati siapa yang tahu. Berkecai harapan siapa yang nampak. Hanya Allah sahaja yang tahu betapa kecewa dan sedih hati yang lara ini. 

Sesungguhnya ini lah kehidupan, kekadang kita ingat apabila keluarnya kita dari gua yang kelam dan sunyi, matahari akan menyambut kita. Rupa-rupanya taufan melanda menenggelami jasad yang kecil dalam pukulan air menduyun.

Namun hidup perlu diteruskan. Di gua gelap akan kuterangi dengan cahaya hati. Dalam ributan angin akan kupaut di dahan cinta. Dalam kelemasan bah akan kuberenang ke tebing harapan. Sudah ku berjanji di dalam hati ku, tiada seorang manusia pun yang patut membuat ku gagal, tidak ada seorang pun boleh membuat aku membenci diriku dan tidak ada seorang pun boleh mematikan semangatku. Hanya aku yang berhak memilih kegembiraanku. Bukan mereka, bukan dia dan semestinya bukan kau.

Kerana kau hanya datang dalam hidupku untuk merosakkan hatiku. Mungkin kau akan sentiasa akan hadir di mataku, jiwaku dan ingatanku tetapi hanya lah sekadar peringatan pada ku bahawa aku adalah kuat.

Friday, July 01, 2011

Badminton or food

Whenever Zainal has time, we will join his friends playing badminton on Friday night. Nothing competitive, just having fun while working out our muscles. Especially me that hardly moving nowadays. The movement I have is from the parking lot that next to the elevator which situated just a few meters from my desk. Yeah, I need this workout.

Usually after badminton, Zainal and I will have a late supper before we head home. The usual hotspots including A&W at PJ where the coney dog is to die for and sometimes I'll have their waffle and ice cream. Some other time, Murni would be our spot when we have enough of A&W. Last week we went to Anggerik in USJ 2. After we ordered our food then only we noticed kambing golek! The memories of eating one of the best kambing golek at Zainal's friend aqiqah rushed to our mind. Since we already ordered, we decided maybe next time we try.

So few days ago, I asked if we are going to play badminton this week. Guess what came out of our mind? Kambing golek! Then I realized food has been the main agenda of our badminton session nowadays. So much of working out huh. I don't think the badminton sessions we had can eliminated the calories that I took after the sessions. Haha.

Tonight I skipped the badminton session coz I'm not feeling well. Before Zainal left the house, I asked him sheepishly, "Are you going to buy kambing golek tonight?" He gave me the look. I guess kambing golek has to wait again.
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