Thursday, July 27, 2006

Plan Interrupted

You know when you had planned your day so carefully so that you can make sure the 24 hours time that God has given, then one problem occurred and suddenly everything went disorganized. I hate when that happen. Like today. I have planned my day including studied the night earlier so that I won't slow down the process. But then there's one guy who good at ruining plan called and asked (more of forced) me to go home. The paradox of his statement that he wouldn't mind to pay a lot so that the job is done today but when I suggested a place that I know that definitely can help him, he didn't want to listen.

The job would take 5 minutes of my time but the journey would took 1 hour journey to and fro. I end up staring at the ceiling after doing that job coz to continue my plan would be a waste a time as most of the time will spend on the road only (including waste of petrol and TouchNGo).

Arrrrggghhhh..... I'm so bored and frustrated.

(Mom bought that sign for me... she knows me well. I'm not the nicest people around this house, so just don't get me irritated. And if you look closely, you can see Naqib put my name there.)

1 comment:

muNm said...

why no comment on weekend? it is some sort of pantang? huhu

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