Saturday, September 30, 2006

Friends are precious

My favourite picture of all... maybe becoz I look tall kot. hehe

Dear friends,

First of all, I would like to extend my gratitude for your support and concern this past few days. Sorry for being one angry woman and thanks for calming me down. I never really actually express my negative emotions to you guys before... so when times like this I don't know how to express it properly and end up like this.

I'm so touched that you guys really really care about me, I never thought you guys did. I definitely was so wrong. So glad we did this coz at the end it's worth it. Your smiles remind me all the good memories in UM. Something that can't never be replaced.

Leen: Thanks for listening to my complaints... your fast responds and your everyday post in circles made my job easier...

Mai: Like leen, thanks for fast responds even though you're in south... and your call last night, really really made my day. Even though I only received voice messages after that, but hearing your sisterly advice was nice.

Liya: Thanks for coming my house to pick it personally and really like that poster. It felt worth it when people love that stuff.

Nida: Thanks for your concern and ideas... some that I cannot change, sorry but I replace something nice... and I don't think I can be in your shoes when organizing stuff like this. You are a lagend.

Last but not least.... Zainal who listening to my endless whining in the wee hour and actually came out with one brilliant idea to replace that frame. Haih.. asal tak boleh terfikir bende tu.

Oh yes, Mr Ted.. Jangan menyesal lepas ni ye.... Thank you very very much.

Now, I officially announced that this project is finished and succed. (sekarang tunggu apa kata korang lepas tengok the real thing.)


Leen said...

You are welcome...I guess you are not mad anymore (or was it more like hormonal changes gone wrong....hehehe).Giving opinion was not a problem..glad I'm able to help

Anonymous said...

ehee..selamat mun dah xmarah lagi... kalo x, mendung dan suram lah tengkorak.. siap ribut taufan lagi.. huhu... thanx again mun.. cantek bangat gambar tuh! those yg x tgk lagi, suprise!!!

muNm said...

hai leen... (x tahu nak cakap ape... senyum je la ye)

mr cipan, frame tu memang bukan untuk dijual la. =)

liya, cantik lan liya... yg lain bersedia la utk gembira. haha

Anonymous said...

dear tengkorakians,
u all owe mun a lot laa ..
apa kata korang tong2 ramai2..
pastu blanja mun ..
kalu ada extra, invite me as well ;)

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