Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Interview 1.0

Since I just finished my degree and as usual, I should start looking for a job. So let's look the journey to get a job and how many interview I have to go through.

Yesterday I went my first interview since the holiday started. It was at Sunway Group for management training under SMART programme. Hmm... I applied that at Career Path UM and I think Leen applied with me too. (Betul ke? Yg kita dpt mouse pad free tu kan?).
Anyway, I already forgot that I applied this when the company called me for interview. So I just went there to try my luck. I thought the interview was simple and quick. But then I discover it has a tentative programme for that particular day. It started with the presentation from HR director. Then came the nerve breaking part where each of us has to introduce ourselves and tell everybody what are the biggest achievement of your life. And... there are around 10 of the interviewer from various company under Sunway Group's representatives watching and evaluating us from behind. Finding one achievement is hard enough but hearing people's achievement can shrink your self esteem. There's many students (including few from UM in mech engineering) who stated their academic achievement as straight dean's list in 4 years of study. Not mentioning a structural engineer who doing her master and at the same time she always teaches latin dance (talk about multi talent people). Then there's people with degree of financial engineering (that's the first time I heard about it). At the end I just talked what I think I appropriate la.

Then we had to answer 3 set of paper. (Teringat kat PTD exam yg baru amik hari ni). The first want was the personal test la, biase la tu, second one was about what our interest, and the last one was the most '....' (I can't find any word to describe that). We had to write a story about 150-200 words based on the picture given. And there's 6 pictures, so 6 story to write. Waaahhh... memang keluar la semua kemahiran imiginasi yang selama ni disia-siakan, ade juga faedahnya. Huhu.

We even had tea break. (The curry puff was delicious). Now I know why they gave us the mouse pad. Diorang mmg kaya la. Lastly, of course, the interview part. Mine took 45 minutes. And all the questions were mostly about you should find one achievement you did, then tell what you did to achieve that, what the problem you occured, the resolution and result. (Bila balik rumah baru abah cakap tu concept sama macam dia guna masa kat Kimberly-Clark dulu. Ceh, apsal tak cakap awal. Punye la praktis bende yang langsung dier tak tanya). I think I did okay in the interview. The HR director was very nice.

I keep my finger cross for this job. Macam best je. They said that 1300 actually applied and they shortlisted to 60 only. Bangga pulak dapat shortlisted. But mostly Chinese la. On my batch itself, around 20 people, only 2 Malays, tu pun sorang lg tetiba balik half way. I think dunno why. Hmmm... kalau dapat keje ni, dapat la diskaun Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel and Sunway Lagoon. Huhu. But overall, klau dapat ni memang best la. Dekat dengan rumah pulak tu. Hehe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm..betul ler tu kita yg dapat mouse pad free siap balut lagi tu.

good luck...tengok macam dah pelik2 jer bidang yg kita masuk..hehehe

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