Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Collecting Stuff

Everybody likes to collect something in their life. When we were small, we always said that we love collecting stamps... sometimes I wonder if everybody actually collect stamps? I know I did, just 1 album la. But that one also was not really collected coz I bought all the stamps and just compiled it in the album. Then as we grew older we started to collect something else. Some collect story books, comics, animes, figurines and some collects hot chicks. Some older men collect wives. Hehe. Not forgetting those who collect friends and enemies along the way.

I like to collect shoes. Yes, I know every women loves shoes and handbags. So am I. And I like to collect books and manga too. I used to collect eraser but I think I lost it after I changed my cupboard. I used to have different kind of eraser, from normal ones, the one with eyes that can moves and one that can dismantle to form another thing. Interesting right. Right now I have this collection that drove my mom crazy... collecting empty boxes. At one time, my mom threw all the boxes, but now I managed to collect a few back. Huhu.

However, lately I've been collecting thing that I don't want to collect; common and uncurable disease. I've got asthma, sinusitus, gastric pain and the latest edition, migraine (I just discovered yesterday after a trip to a neurologist) under my name. Hmmm.... have to do head scan tomorrow morning to make sure I don't have any weird things in my head (beside my imaginations and ideas). Wish me luck.


shahnon said...

stamp album saya dari darjah 1 dulu ade lagi sampai skrang ni. heheh :p

muNm said...

thanks... mr cipan.

shahnon, awk pun ade stamp album ke. semua budak sekolah rendah mcm ade je stamp album kan. hehe.

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