Saturday, April 22, 2006

Risk in Exam

We take risk in life. Life without risk is not challenging and we don't feel the goodness of life.

Taking risk in exam is another thing. Today I took risk for Superconductivity paper by reading only past year paper. I memorized the past year only. If my lecturer asked something that not from past year, kirim salam je la. The truth is past year pun dah nak muntah menghafal.

Before this, I had taken the risk for another paper. That paper was totally high risk la. It's Electromagnetic with a lots of unlogic calculation (for me la). If I miscalculate my risk, I might failed that paper miserably. I remember Kak Farah told me that she won't take that risk with me coz that was high risk. But I managed to get A eventually. Hehe. (Masa nak exam tu menggigil tangan buka question paper).

There's a few steps of gambling in exam. There's no random pick what to study. It needs few past years paper (for Supercon case, only 1 past year) and you must analyse the lecturer. In Electromagnet case, we can see that he always skip a year before returning to the same question. For Supercon case, the 1 past year is already covered almost whole subject. So generally that's how I did la. (Boleh berlagak plak mentang2 dah final sem).

But sometimes, this whole gambling thing is unsuccessful. I remember we thought that this particular lecturer was not going to change the questions, since she's so busy becoming the head department and all that. During the exam, everybody cried reading her questions. The questions not even close to the past years. All fresh and new. Padan muka!

Then, there's one time this lecturer actually told not to read this topic and we happily ignored it. It turns out 20 marks from that particular topic only. Hmmm... How we want to trust the lecturer.

Well, I got another 3 papers before I finally finish my 4 years of undergrad education. Wish me luck!

Side story: I risked eating lunch at college today, and what I got? Angry words and sour face. Sorry...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh gud luck utk exam

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