Friday, February 24, 2006

Wish Febuary is Longer

Have you ever felt that 24 hours is not enough and 28 days in Febuary is too short? Well, this is the time that I felt that way. So many things to do, yet so little time. But there's still time to go dating, shopping, sleeping (at unnecessary hours) and blogging (also read other blogs). At this moment all I want to do is forget everything and take a long vacation (something that I shouldn't be doing la if I want to graduate this semester). But you can't help it coming out with that dream.

Let me start listing my unfinished jobs:
  1. Lab reports. Haven't done any lab report (to be fair to myself, I almost finished with 1 report). Next week have to pass up the MATLAB lab report plus Q&A session (for God's sake, it just 1/10 of 1 credit hours. Why he must make us suffer every semester. Is that how he shows his love and care. Well, apparently it doesn't work.)
  2. Prosthetics and Orthotics assignment that need to review at least 3 hospitals. We thought UMMC is enough. God, do we have anytime to go anywhere right now?
  3. Another 6 thesis experiments that need to be done. Plus analysis & statistics & full report.
  4. AI programme that need to be developed (my plan was to learn VB 6 tonight, but look where I end up?). Well, we already came up with some smart solution for this assignment but of course I won't state here in case the words spread to my lecturer. huhu.
  5. Proposal for hospital networking. Actually we wanted to ask the lecturer to change this assignment to something simpler (or at least something that doesn't involve communicating with other parties) but I don't know what happen to that plan. Normal la tu, bila tengah berkobar-kobar tu kalau boleh nak jumpa lecturer masa tu jugak, nasib baik la dia cuti. Then, all quiet as if no plan was made. I won't blame them totally, I was one of the most berkobar-kobar there (siap dah tanya pendapat semua org ni. Hehe).
  6. Then there's a UNITEN dinner next friday which I haven't have anything to wear. I know what I want and my mom willing to make it for me but she's so busy travelling around and only come back next week. Sempat ke? Measuring tape pun baru beli semalam. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........

Worst of all, I don't know which one that I should do first. You know when there's so many things to do, you end up doing nothing and watch Torino Winter Olympics. =)

Note to myself: Maybe I should print out this post la to remind me what I need to do. Ni to-do list pun takde.

1 comment:

shahnon said...

"You know when there's so many things to do, you end up doing nothing.."

daymnnn, it is so very true indeed. sigh. heheh. i feel u :p

okay, cepat2 mula kerja skrang! :D

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