Friday, September 19, 2008

That melancholy feeling again

I thought of not going to the buka puasa event organised by my boss's boss , Mr SM. I was tired and sleepy coz I've been sleeping less than 5 hours for 2 nights in the row now. All I want to do was go home and rest. Suddenly my phone rang and my colleague asked my whereabouts. After assuring her that I'll be there soon, I realized I have to make it despite my sleepiness.

Along the way, with maps (yup, 2 maps) at the steering wheel, I confidently drove there. Then I realized there's a Persona following for quite some time. Behind that Persona, there's a Myvi that I believed was owned by one of my 6 Sigma gangs. Oh, now I realized that there's 3 cars that actually following me which was all of them were my colleagues. Funnily, they didn't know that I was depending on the maps to get there but since they trusted me, they followed me all the way even though I turned to the wrong exit. Hehe.

During the whole buka puasa event, I realized that my 2 years existence does have an impact to this company. Mr SM even asked me if there's any chances I will take back my resignation notice. Well, so far, I'm very happy to leave this job, thank you.

I realized that I've been so negative about this place that I thought nobody care if I'm there or not. But then I finally realized that the only person that I really hate is my boss-from-hell. Despite sometimes I get annoyed with department that I'm supposed to support, but in reality they are nice people. The annoying time only come during either I'm having PMS or they having PMS. Most of time I enjoyed chatting and laughing with them while I'm trying to make sure they follow the procedure especially during technology transfer. In conclusion they are nice people trying to do their job.

Somehow, these past 2 weeks, our department has moved downstairs and I purposely request to be sat away from the boss-from-hell. To tell the truth, first time in 2 years, I felt serenity and calm. Hehe... I don't need aromatherapy or jasmine tea to calm me down. He's the reason I'm going and for now I'm still not sure is this is the best path I ever take in my life or the opposite. I hope everything turns out well. InsyaAllah.

I'm going to miss this place so much than I ever think I could.


Anonymous said...

awak ni sensitif sgtla...biasela tu keje...kene blaja lagi how to manage your boss.lain manusia lain ragam.. satu hari nanti mesti awak 'bersyukur' sbb dpt boss mcm least dapat jgk pengalaman hidup..

muNm said...

yea.. senang cakap klau kite tak di tempat orang itu.. walau bagaimanapun boss tu mmg telah memberi pengajaran & pengalaman paling besar dlm hidup sy, jgn jadi macm dier... =)

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