Saturday, July 07, 2007

Would be nice to wear this during Halloween

Yeah, like Malaysia celebrate this Halloween lah. On second thought, not necessary Halloween je... now also can right. I want this:

Optimus Prime Voice Charger Helmet.
Product Features * Become the mighty leader of the AUTOBOTS! * The ultimate headgear for any OPTIMUS PRIME fan, strap on this awesome helmet and rule the galaxy with awesome electronic features! * Hear conversion sounds of OPTIMUS PRIME changing from a truck to a robot and back again, or hear OPTIMUS PRIME movie battle phrases like, "I am OPTIMUS PRIME!", "The DECEPTICONS must be stopped!" * Easy-to-adjust straps allow you to fit the helmet comfortably on your head. * Adjusts to fit head sizes ages 5 through adult

So cool... I can look and sound like Optimus Prime. wooohhooo...
Found this in NST. Really funny article & the reason I want to buy this:

Mild-mannered reporter RIDZWAN A. RAHIM suddenly booms with authority when he puts on the Optimus Prime Voice Changer Helmet.


IT’S LIKE: Something for the costume party, except that you can actually sound like Optimus Prime, leader of the good guys in Transformers.
MISSING FEATURE: Won’t let you turn into a truck.
PRICE: RM169.90
AVAILABILITY: Jaya Jusco, Toys R Us. It’s everywhere.

I heard some electronic voices coming from your desk. I thought you were watching a pirated copy of the Transformers movie but when I turned around, it was Optimus Prime himself sitting at the desk.
Hah! That’s because I have this Optimus Prime Voice Changer Helmet from Hasbro. So now when I say “I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots”, people will believe me. I no longer sound like a mild-mannered reporter.
Yeah, I must admit I was surprised. The helmet has given you such leadership qualities. Is it heavy?
Leading a pack of robots to save the world is always a heavy responsibility.

No, I mean the helmet.
Oh. No, it’s just plastic. It has adjustable straps on the inside so anyone can wear it; from children to adults. The visors are yellow but you can see quite clearly. This is important because you don’t want to be yelling “Die, Decepticon scum!” at your mother because you thought she was your brother.
But the real reason why you’ll pay RM169.90 for this thing is the mic inside the helmet.
Speak into the mic and you’ll sound like Peter Cullen, the voice behind Optimus Prime in the original 1980s TV series, as well as the movie that’s opening tomorrow.

Ah, but the helmet probably won’t be of much help if your voice is already like Alvin of Chipmunks fame to begin with. In fact, the instruction says you should use a deep voice when talking into the mic.

So what else can the helmet do?
Apart from the voice changer, it has two other buttons. One button will spew Optimus Prime battle phrases while the other will emit realistic transformation sounds. You know, “khu-khu-khe-khe-khi!”.

Alright! So I’m set for battle. I talk like Optimus Prime, I even make transformation sounds like Optimus Prime. But can I actually turn into a truck?
A: You’ll be surprised. There are fans who like Transformers so much, they have created robot suits that will allow them to actually transform into vehicles. I’ve seen the videos on YouTube.

You’re beginning to sound like a weirdo. I meant that question to be a joke. I didn’t expect you to say yes.
Oh, and perhaps it will also help if you are actually a contortionist?

Look, can we get off the subject?
Alright, alright. But as far as I’m concerned, this helmet is good enough. My fantasy of becoming the leader of the Autobots has been fulfilled and my life is complete. The only other helmet that I have always wanted is the Darth Vader Voice Changer Helmet.

Oh yeah, that’s one cool gadget as well. All the guys I know want to sound like Vader.
I’ll go one better. Not only would I sound like Vader, I’d use it to scare the postman. I would also go around saying “This is CNN”, thereby puting James Earl Jones out of business.

The Youtube clip I found is this one:

On serious side: I really want this but is too pricey for something that you just want to fool around.... Haha... any Bill Gates here that want to present me with this? =)


Anonymous said...

mcm kanak2 ribena beri la mun ni... hahah

muNm said...

it's never to old to have fun in life.... best ape dpt cakap macam optimus prime. tahu la tom cruise tak dapat berlakon dlm transformers. jeles plak... huhuu

Anonymous said...

eh tolong skit.... i pon x teringin nak berlakon okess... walaupon first day dah bleh dpt 8mil.... x heran laa....

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Tom Cruise speak Malay...hahaha.

Anyway when my brother and I was younger we were crazy about Transformers, we plead for a robot from our parents and eventually got one. It was expensive then and still expensive now...thought the craziness for robots had died but then came the film...huh..

muNm said...

ni tom cruise ciplak....hahaah...

you are right la leen, the Transformer still expensive now. do still have your old one? jual tu lg mahal... tp movie Transformers tu mmg best la...

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