Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Accepting oneself

You always heard people said that 'I don't care what people say about me as long as I'm happy'. That's a good principle as long as you don't make stupid stuff that make other people's life miserable. But that principle is only true only and if only it's apply to other people that you don't know.

When it comes to someone that you need to get approval with like your boss, your parents and your future mother-in-law, that principle might not be suitable. Especially your future mother-in-law la kan. Coz usually father-in-law is not so fussy like woman right.

Then your 'does-she-approve-me-if-I....' would took place. Questions like
  1. Does she really want to let his youngest son to marry me?
  2. Does she approve me if I don't know how to cook (the fact that his son is a better cook than me)?
  3. Does she think that I suitable for his youngest son & would take care of him like she did?
  4. Does she want a girl like me?
  5. Do I fit all the specifications that she had in mind?
  6. Will I be her best daughter-in-law ever?
  7. Does she mind if I wake up late on weekends (weekends je)?
  8. Does she think that I can produce cute grandsons and granddaughters for her?
  9. Does she accept the way I am (coz that would a lot of areas that I need to rework, reprocess and re-engineer to improve myself, considering my current position)?
  10. Does she accept her daughter-in-law wearing Optimus Prime mask saying 'This is Optimus Prime' with no purpose basis (on second thought, does she really want a Optimus Prime obsessed girl with deep knowledge of Ultraman and thinks anime character can be soo handsome (but his son is the most handsome of all time, hands down))?
Ok... I'm being paranoid here. At the end, she just want his youngest son to be happy and loved right. I'm sure he feels happy and feel loved right now, right.

The bottom line is, we always want approval from others. Maybe not from all the people (unless you are running for presidency) but to those that close and important to us, we seek their approval unconsciously. We need to be accepted by the way we are to feel that we are someone in this world and part of this world. Even one person is enough to give us some confidence. But to find someone that really accepts us the way we are is the hardest part. Sometimes even family just won't recognize our true self especially if we are different from the others. Therefore, always cherish people that care and accept you in their life.

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