Thursday, April 05, 2012

Good night sleep

Sometimes in life we took simple little things for granted like good night sleep. After spending 4 nights in the hospital, the first night back at home felt such a bliss that I don't want to wake up at all.

All 4 nights when I was in the hospital, not a single night I slept more than 3 hours straight. The first few nights were terrible. Coughing badly every hour, nose blocked and stomach pain. Then the room was not dark enough as I have to switch on a light for the nurses. Every few hours the nurses would come to take my temperature and blood pressure. At 6am, a medication nurse would come and forced me to take drugs when i'm barely awake. If i'm unlucky, the drip would finish during the night and infusion pump alarm would blasted throughout the night.

So when doctor gave a green light to go home and recover at home, I was excited. The first night at my parents home, I slept like a baby. No more light to be on, nurses waking me up to check my vital and the best of all, my cough and flu has almost stopped which provided me with a good night sleep.

As I awaked on my first morning at home, looking at my loved ones beside me, I realized I never appreciate a good night sleep before. At that moment I felt so grateful as Allah still give me a chance to have a good night sleep. Alhamdulillah...
posted from Bloggeroid


Wira Nordin said...

good to hear that u dah recover..
jgn stop ambil ubat kalau dkt rumah..mkn smpi habis..

muNm said...

Alright.. Thanks :)

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