Sunday, January 21, 2007

Monday Blues

Something funny happened this morning. One guy fell asleep while waiting the traffic lights turned green. At first I was wondering why he hasn't moved. Then when I drove pass him, I saw he was sleeping. Must be very tiring watching Arsenal beat Man Utd. Hehe.. Pity that fellow. All the cars and lorries behind him kept honking when he's happily dreaming in La-la Land. I don't know if he ever wake up. Thank God I'm not in that lane. If yes, it won't be a funny story anymore. Huhu.

I can't sleep last night, so I made a promise to myself. I promised myself not to mention the M-word to anybody from today onwards. What going to happen will happen. For now, I would enjoy and appreciate life as it is. Nothing I can change though.

And yes, we are thinking of opening a business. Hmmm.... must prepare the business plan first, then we can start it by February? InsyaAllah. Any ideas for a company name?

Oh, we got ourself 4 pairs of fish last Saturday. Cute, colourful and small fish. We promised to take care our little pets together. So he brought them home first. By this morning, 2 fishes already died. Natural causes or human error? Hehe... Just hope I still can take care of them by the end of this week.


:: waKYeoP RS:: said...

hahahaha....lucky i'm not that guy...Gooner da best!!! where u c that guy huh?? bangi eh??(=

shahnon said...

M-word? i wonder what it is? hehe :p

muNm said...

wakyeop rs, not in bangi la... it's at LDP-Sunway, that area la.... u must experience that before, cuma tak kena horn je kot.. heheh...

shahnon, M can be anything... makan? minum? muaahaha....

Anonymous said...

Eh..the title entry ni mcm familiar ar~ Kpala hotak budak UM ni mmg pikir mende sama ek?
Anyway, was thinking of doing business as well -- jaki betul ada org lain boleh terpikir mende sama gak..eheh -- anyway all the best in becoming ur dream a reality!

muNm said...

mungkin la sama fikiran. nanti blh la berurusniaga bersama-sama. hehe. thanks katak hijau.... all the best to u too...

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