Thursday, October 18, 2007

Keep in touch my friends

During many phases of our life, we encountered a lot of people that some of them become our friends. If we wanted to collect all the people that we called friends, I'm sure all of us have at least 100 friends. And that's a minimum numbers. But how many of them that you actually know what's going on with their life right now. How many that you actually keep in touch.

My biggest weakness is keeping in touch with old friends. The minute I stop seeing them, that's the time I stop keeping in touch. It's not that I forgot about them, it just that I afraid they don't remember me and I have this ideas that I might not know what to talk about with them. Only friends from my secondary school are the one that I keep in touch. And that one only happened when we are going to meet up for some occasion.

I felt bad about it you know. Sometimes my friends send messages asking how am I doing but most of the time I won't reply. I kept thinking that if I reply this message, what should I said next. At the end, I don't reply at all.

There were times I kept thinking about all the friends I have especially the ones that I was close with before. I miss all of them. I remember everything about every moments we spend together and I wish I can go back to that time.

There was one night I dreamed about all the close friends I encountered from primary schools to university. Everyone of them has special impact on me. God, I really miss them all.

I know nobody actually read this but to all my friends out there, from SRKSJ, SMKSJ, Asasi, FKUM to Marcus Evans, I wish I become nicer when you keep in touch but sometimes I don't know what to react when you try to keep in touch with me, I end up become some kind of snob. I'm so sorry.

God, I really miss everybody. Some I don't even know where they are. Some I still can contact them by friendster.

Therefore, please be nice to your friends. They are one of the precious thing in life and making life worth living.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's the season of reminiscing the good ol' times. I just regret that I didn't spend the extra time to treat my friends nicely. Sometimes I'm too self-centered, that I tend to neglect the little things that's happening in life- - friends.. I don't have that big collection of friends pon, but sometimes, as simple as keeping in touch is enough to spark the friendship.

muNm said...

betul la tu... nasib baik u have a blog. at least i still can contact wif u... well, maybe we can live up the akium circles99 first as a first step. tempat tu mcm takde sape masuk je.... hehe

Leen said...

I feel like this sometimes..or a lot of times. For someone who is more textual than verbal, my problem is that I felt like a busybody trying to pry into their life if I started to ask question therefore my friends tends to drift away...even some who are close to me..

But after moving from school to to country, meeting a lot of people with different way of life..
I know one thing ..its never to late to keep in touch.

From my experience as long as you didn't became the sworn enemy of that can always say hi...and don't think to much about what to what Mother Theresa said "If you judge people, you have no time to love them."

Anonymous said...

betullah, lupa langsung pasal circle99. Memang tak pernah masuk dah pon, sebab tgk dah tak aktif langsung..

You know - we should make a gathering for x-akium or even fkum peeps. macam dah lama kan tak keep in contact.. maybe we should start it. Propose open house dari rumah ke rumah during weekends, or outing dinner dekat memane ke. I think it would be great considering dah almost 1 year dah kite in career world. a lot has change, so mmg banyak cerita lah boleh exchange with each other.kan?kan?

muNm said...

leen, ye la. at least say hi is a good start to keep in touch. but if tanya lebih2 memang la like what u said mcm busybody kan. if he/she your sworn enemy pun, i think u still can say hi but not more than that la. hehe. =)

masni, i think that's good idea. seriously beside u & peja, i have no idea what happen to others. i still dont know if their hp no that i have still active. how about you initiate 1st? since that day cadcam ppl dah buat gathering. at least u know where to start. u mesti ade contact dgn kak ayu ke, muz ke kan. then i cuba contact however that i have the contact la.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, yesterday try gak tanya Kak Ayu. Dia kata, usha Poji terus ah.. The thing, do u remember the rival war between Poji and Shafiq back then? So, I'm not sure if those two can stand being in the same place together.. huhu..
Tgkla, I'll try tanya Fara bahan ke.. We'll try slow and steady..haha!

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