Friday, March 21, 2008

Give some holiday peace

Why sometimes God gives us a difficult person to deal with? Is it because He wanted us to appreciate the next one which is the good one? People always said that. Or is it that we already got the good one before but we never appreciate it. Now when we got the worst one, we’ll realize that the last want was one of the best. I hope it’s the 1st thought. Seriously I kept reminding that statement to myself whenever I have to deal with my boss (which is everyday). Seriously, his behaviour and attitude is unbearable. The latest one was this week and until today I felt angry towards him.

Yesterday was public holiday. So me and Zainal planned to use the free one night stay coupon at Genting First World Hotel. We booked the room a month ago for 18 Mar. We thought to go today but apparently the coupon is for non-peak day. So I applied half day leave on 18 and 1 day leave on 19. The public holiday on 20 will add another extra day of holiday. I already applied this leave at the end of February and was approved.

On 18 Mar morning, I reminded my boss that about my leave. And guess what? He made a big deal of it. At 12 pm suddenly he asked me to changed my leave la, postpone it because he wanted to discuss about something.. I told him that can we discuss it now, why wait in the evening (I know why-he wanted to leave for lunch early like always). So we discussed at that time. THAT something turned out to be everything that I’ve been telling him many times. Shit la. The discussion finished about 30 minutes only. I nearly wasted my leave and get myself burn with Zainal’s fury about this stuff. Can you believe it? And the sakit hati part was that he kept on repeating that I’m going on leave tomorrow and told other department boss who sat next to him about it. Hello? Is that necessary? It looks like as if I make something shitty that need to be told and laugh at. It’s not that I took a month leave. Only a day ok. Benci.

And today when I came to work, the clerk told me that my boss asked if I changed my leave. Bukan dah abis bincang ke?

This is not the first time this happen. Every time I wanted to take leave, 2 hours (or 1 hour) before the day end, he suddenly become kelam kabut and asked me to tell him what have I done so that if anyone ask him, he knows what to answer. Before this he never care to know what I’ve done. Or he asked me and then forgets the next minute. Therefore he always asks me to attend the management meeting so that I can answer on his behalf. Bengang tak.
Shit. Shit. Shit.


Anonymous said...

wehh....ko tak leh ke apply tukar department? teruk giler bos ko tuh... tak rupa bos...huh!


Leen said...

Have you read 'devil wears prada'?
You should start writing your own version of the 'devil wears prada'...your boss surely sounds like one...only I doubt he wears prada..hehehehe

muNm said...
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muNm said...


last year dah minta tukar department. tp big boss ckp we'll see at the end of the year (2007) tp last2 diberitau tak dibenarkan. hari tu dah antar resume kat dept jamal, harap2 blh tukar. tp tak tau la....


yup, read that, watched that... maybe I should start my own story la... & of course he's not wearing prada....hhehe... (takde size untuk dier pun...muahahha)

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